Guides > Customer Vault

Customer Vault


Securely store customer billing details in the Qualpay Customer Vault. You can create a customer record via the Payment Gateway, Embedded Fields and also directly with the Customer Vault.

Once you have created a customer record, store the customer ID on your system and reference it for any future on-demand or scheduled transactions. The Customer Vault API is paired with the Recurring Billing API. The Customer Vault reduces the amount of associated payment data that touches your servers and enables subsequent payment billing information to be fulfilled by Qualpay.


Secure Storage

All data is stored securely with Qualpay, instead of on your systems. Qualpay is a PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) certified Level 1 compliant Service Provider.

Plans and Subscriptions

Initiate scheduled payments for customers stored in the Customer Vault, or use Qualpay's fully integrated Recurring Billing and Qualpay will initiate scheduled payments on your behalf.

Store Multiple Cards

If your customer uses more than one payment card, you can store as many cards as you wish on your customer's record. Each card will have a unique card ID that you can use to reference specific cards.

Store Shipping Addresses

Store multiple shipping addresses with your customer's profile.

Account Updater Integration

Keep your customer's payment information up to date with Qualpay's integration to Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover Cards Account Updater Service.

Editable Customer Records

Create a customer profile with only the customer's first and last name. Add e-mail and payment information later when it is more convenient for you or your customer.


Sign up for an account to access the Qualpay Sandbox environment and retrieve your sandbox test keys in the Administration section. Integrate directly with the Invoicing API or take advantage of one of our SDKs.


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Go Live

Contact your sales representative or apply now for your production account.

Alternatively, sign up for our Partner Program, so you and your customers can take advantage of Qualpay's integrated payments and boarding process, designed to support all the different ways you onboard your customer.

Once you have received approval for your production account, log into Qualpay Manager and retrieve your production keys from the Administration section.

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